Do The Brave Thing™ Online Business Podcast with Kate Doster
Welcome to the Do The Brave Thing™ Online Business Podcast hosted by Kate Doster. Where every week you’ll practical advice, motivation and big thinking energy to help you sell more, lead better and help a crap ton of people without letting those negative voices in your head getting in the way. Author: Kate Doster

Wednesday Jan 08, 2020
Wednesday Jan 08, 2020
Can you guess which it was?If you guessed... [93] Exactly What to Write in Your Welcome Series to Create Fans and Buyers for Life you'd be right...
Original show notes:
Wonder what to write in your welcome series to create fans (and buyers) for life?
This is probably my #1 requested topic (other than copywriting or funnels) ... I'm talking about what to put in your welcome series - you know, those emails that magically get sent out when someone new subscribes to your list.
Before we jump into the magic of automated emails, I'm going to take a quick minute to tell you about my 'Freebies That Serve & Sell' Mini-Course.. In this (free) mini-course, I'm going to show you (start to finish) how to create freebies that don’t just grow your email list - but attracts people who are ready to buy, credit card in hand, even if you’re not quite sure what you’re going to sell yet... and did I mention it's FREE
Biggest Takeways:
In this episode of Inbox Besties, we talk about:
The 5 emails you need to create a rock solid relationship with your audience
How to continue the conversation on your social media without sounding like a tool
Your "HELL YES" email that solidifies YOU as their new favorite person
Your money-making "Easy Yes" offer email
How to make money from your list even if you don't have a product to sell (yet)
We'll even use your welcome series so that your audience can self-select which type of materiel they want to hear about from you!
Click here to listen on Itunes
// This episode is brought to you by:
The free Freebies That Serves and Sell Mini-Course: Learn how to attract an email list of BUYERS not just randos who will bloat your Convert Kit bill and never read anything you send.
Love Your List - The most insanely comprehensive yet easy to get through email marketing program laser focused on helping you have fun while turning internet randos – into devoted subscribers addicted to throwing fistfuls of cash at you, while singing your praises to the masses (even if no one knows your name…yet)
// Tool of the week: ConvertKit
The ONLY email service provider created by a pro blogger for pro bloggers. From free stunning to landing pages to “smart automation” to the ability to track when subscribers become customers all with an easy to use interface. Convert Kit is truly a new bloggers' best friend. And you get an exclusive 30 free trial so you can get a look under the hood and see how much easier Convertkit is than your current email service provider. Head over to to get your hands on this exclusive offer for Inbox Besties listeners.
Subscribe & Review in iTunes
Are you subscribed to Inbox Besties? If you’re not, you're missing out on a bunch of bonus free resources and behind the scenes action I'm not sharing any where else (including this blog). So be sure to subscribe in Itunes // Stitcher // Spotify now.

Monday Jan 06, 2020
Monday Jan 06, 2020
It's Monday. Which means it's time for another Double Dog Dare; where I give you one action task to complete this week to grow your business, list, mindset or piggy bank's pants.
>>> Learn how to sell to your email list without feeling like a money hungry buttface - Little List Big Profits
// Get Credit!
Tag me in your Instagram Stories @kate_doster once you do your Double Dog Dare Ya for a future shoutout
u win.
// Free Stuff For You
[Email Ideas] Don’t worry about what to email your list until 2022!
[Free Course] Create a freebie that serves and sell - f-
[Free Trello Board] FB Group Promo Board -
[Free Audio Book ] From Audible
Free 30 Day Trial of ConvertKit -
// Let’s Connect
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![How To Pump Out Content Like A Champ [Rebroadcast + Updated]](
Wednesday Jan 01, 2020
Wednesday Jan 01, 2020
Steal my strategy (and workflows) to keep your content calendar happy!
This has been one of my most popular episodes of Inbox Besties ever - and for a reason! If you struggle with what to create, when to create it and how to create a workflow that works for you, you're gonna want to tune in to this one!
In this episode, I'm sharing all my content-creation secrets, including:
Workflows & systems I use everyday
Choosing a theme for your content
My 5-step content creation strategy
and more!
For the blog post that goes with this episode, click here >
Trelloing for Traffic
Rev - On-demand transcription service
SEO with Mike Pearson (blog post) (free guide)
Podbean - Podcast hosting
Inbox Besties Episode 25 - Time Management
Air Story - Blog post editor
Love Your List - My signature course
Tod Herman - Founder of the '90-Day Year'

Monday Dec 30, 2019
Monday Dec 30, 2019
It's Monday which means it's time for your Double Dog Dare, and this week you get a two for one...or a double if you will.
Get credit!!! Snap a pic while listening and tag me on your Instagram stories @kate_doster or
Get in the class Little List Big Profits:
![[Rebroadcast] What to do when your launch is a flop with Eden Fried](
Wednesday Dec 25, 2019
Wednesday Dec 25, 2019
Happy Holidays. This week we're kicking off our best of Inbox Besties Series for the next 3 weeks, I'm re-airing some of the most popular and hidden gems Inbox Besties Episodes.
This week was going to be our most popular interview of the year, but we literally just had it which #115: SEO: 3 Steps To Skyrocketing Your Ranking in Google with Mike Pearson was I hand picked an interview that I thought was a great way to wrap up 2019 especially if 2019 didn't exactly go your way. Ep . 54 - What to do when your launch is a flop with Eden Fried originally aired back in Oct. 2018 but it's content is TIMELESS.
The only change? Eden's membership community is now called the Rebel Boss U instead of Bread & Butter Blogging U which honestly I think is a much better name.
Original shownotes:
This week I have the pleasure of interviewing the problogger, passive income super star, and leader of the Bread & Butter Blogging U Eden Fried of the Rebel Boss Ladies Podcast.
What makes this interview so special (besides the amazing value bombs Eden is dropping) is that today Eden is releasing an interview I did on her podcast The Rebel Boss Ladies Podcast all about how to get reader addicted to throwing money at you on repeat. Click here to listen on iTunes or here for Android users.
After this episode, you’ll know…
How to tell if your launch was a big failure or not..spoiler alert it probably wasn’t
What do to if you tell your audience you have 10 seats to your group coaching program but only fill two spots #embarrassing
How Eden took a course that didn’t sell a single copy and turned it into a cash cow!
Exactly how many people you should have on your list before launching a product
And so much more
// Free Gift From Eden >>>
Case study - How I Made my first $1,000 online Doing What I Love & You Can Too! Head-over to: now
// Connect More with Eden
Podcast: Rebel Boss Ladies
Membership Community: Bread & Butter Blogging U
Official Bio:
Eden Fried ditched paint-suits and law libraries in early 2016 and traded them in for sweat pants and a laptop so she could build a business online. Ever since abandoning corporate America, Eden has successfully built a profitable online business by selling digital products. Today, she and her husband live off of passive income - the kind of income you earn while sleeping at night, out to dinner with friends, or wiping your baby’s butt cheeks. How does she do it? Well, she keeps no secrets. Eden shares her entire strategy on her website,, where she teaches aspiring entrepreneurs how to build that life of freedom and financial flexibility by creating and selling digital products online. Are you intrigued?? You can learn how Eden made her first $1,000 online by downloading her personal story: When Eden’s not blogging or recording an episode of the Rebel Boss Ladies podcast, she’s either at the CrossFit gym throwing around moderately heavy weights for fun, spending time with her husband, or choking back tears from an episode of This Is Us.
// Resources Mention
The Email Marketing Fairy Template set with over 50 grab and go email templates including funnels, welcome series and weekly newsletters.
// Tool of the week: ConvertKit
The ONLY email service provider created by a pro blogger for pro bloggers. From free stunning to landing pages to “smart automation” to the ability to track when subscribers become customers all with an easy to use interface. Convert Kit is truly a new bloggers' best friend. And you get an exclusive 30 free trial so you can get a look under the hood and see how much easier Convertkit is than your current email service provider. Head over to to get your hands on this exclusive offer for Inbox Besties listeners.
// Don’t worry about what to email your list until 2020!
Grab 2 years worth of high quality email ideas over at
// Let’s Connect
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![My 3 Biggest Lessons of 2019 [Besties Chat]](
Friday Dec 20, 2019
Friday Dec 20, 2019
Welcome to a bonus episode of Inbox Besties where once a month I take you behind the scenes of my business. Letting you know all the ups, downs and between. If this is first time listening to Inbox Besties, probably not the best one, unless you're nosey AF like I am. Instead I'd listen to Ep. 121 Making Your List & Wallet Happy in 2020 for more tactical advice.
Don't forget to tag me on instagram stories @kate_doster or click here.
Got a little list? Here's how you can make BIG money in 2020 with a tiny list.

Wednesday Dec 18, 2019
Wednesday Dec 18, 2019
Are you ready to rock it in 2020 and have your best year ever?
In this episode of Inbox Besties, I'm giving you allllll my secrets when it comes to how I plan out my launches, my emails and my income for the upcoming year.
In this episode, you'll learn my 3-phase system to planning that includes:
How to choose your word of the year and apply that to every aspect of your business and life
The 2 most important things to focus on right now to jumpstart 2020
My big-picture process that gives me freedom and flexibility through the year (while still crushing my goals)
and more!
For the blog post that goes with this episode, click here >
Be sure to take a screenshot and tag me in your Instagram stories so I can give you a shoutout for being a bestie of the week @kate_doster
/ / Resources Mentioned:
Convert Kit
Little List, Big Profit Masterclass
Trelloing For Traffic
The Email Marketing Fairy
Freebies That Sell & Serve Mini Course
/ / Podcast Episodes Mentioned:
Episode 93: Exactly What to Write in Your Welcome Series to Create Fans and Buyers for Life
Episode 109: GDPR It’s Still a Thing with Mariam Tsaturyan
Episode 62: Should I Stop Emailing My List in the Month Of December
Episode 86: How to Grow Your Audience & Influence Using Viral Summits (with Bailey Richerts)

Wednesday Dec 11, 2019
Wednesday Dec 11, 2019
Are you secretly a morning person & don't know it yet?
In this episode of Inbox Besties, Amy Landino of Good Morning, Good Life shares with her clever tips to have good mornings, even if you've never been a morning person before. Plus, get updates on her dog, Lucy too!
Snag Amy's new book Good Morning, Good Life on Amazon here.
In this episode, Amy shares her tips on:
Her 5-habit formula to crafting your unique morning routine
How to design your mornings when you have kids or pets
What to do when you fall off the wagon
and more!
For the blog post that goes with this episode, click here >
// Resources:
Good Morning Good Life
Amy's Morning Routine (YouTube)
Shine Squad
// Amy's Official Bio
Amy Landino is a bestselling author and award-winning host of AmyTV. With over 20 million views through her successful YouTube series, Amy is the World’s #1 Productive Lifestyle Coach and a leading authority on getting digital attention.
In her new book, Good Morning, Good Life, Amy shares details of how to start every day on your terms so you can go after the life you want. And no, you don't have to be a morning person to do it! Absolutely anyone can follow her 5 simple habits that will help you combat morning obstacles, set motivating goals and create the rituals that work for YOU.
A highly-sought after public speaker and co-owner at the modern media company, The Landino Group, Amy travels the world to teach businesses how to leverage digital tools to promote and maintain a positive image that uplifts and motivates their communities.
Amy is a life-long resident of Columbus, Ohio and an active member of the community, serving as a mayoral-appointed board member of the Central Ohio Transit Authority and formerly served as president of the Downtown Residents’ Association of Columbus. She and her husband Vincenzo Landino proudly reside and operate their businesses in the city’s urban core.
Reach out to Amy directly on Instagram or Twitter @Schmittastic, or find more information at

Monday Dec 09, 2019
Monday Dec 09, 2019
It's Monday which means it's time for your Double Dog Dare, and this week you get a two for one...or a double if you will.
Get credit!!! Snap a pic while listening and tag me on your Instagram stories @kate_doster or
Get in the class Little List Big Profits:

Wednesday Dec 04, 2019
Wednesday Dec 04, 2019
So.... What if you want to create a curated-style newsletter?
One of my Inbox Besties Besties, Jen Williams of Jen Williams Agency wanted to know how to create a curated-style newsletter that people actually look forward to reading.
Newsletters come in all sorts of different styles and formats and when it comes to curated-style newsletters, I'm sharing my biggest tips for you including:
How to choose your content
How many different topics to cover in each newsletter
My favorite places for market research
And more!
For the full blog post that goes with this episode, click here >
Ask Kate //
Have a burning question you'd like to have answered on the Inbox Besties podcast? I'd love to answer! Just submit your question at and your question just might be featured!
Resources mentioned //
Answer the Public
Buzz Sumo
How to Boost Your Traffic With Viral Content
A Foolproof Way to Name Your Thing

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