Do The Brave Thing™ Online Business Podcast with Kate Doster

Welcome to the Do The Brave Thing™ Online Business Podcast hosted by Kate Doster. Where every week you’ll practical advice, motivation and big thinking energy to help you sell more, lead better and help a crap ton of people without letting those negative voices in your head getting in the way. Author: Kate Doster

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Double Dog Dare #24

Monday Apr 22, 2019

Monday Apr 22, 2019

It's the Monday. Its time for your double dog dare of the week to help you grow your list, mindset or piggy bank.
And this week we're tapping into energy of the it being the 1st of the month and the 1st of the quarter. 
Need more ideas for your emails:
Brought to you by Trello-ing For Traffic
With over 20 pre-made marketing, system and processing Trello Board found in Trelloing For Traffic. Board include planning a mega launch, map out your day and running a webinar just to name a few. Best part? It’s only $24!  Http://
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Wednesday Apr 17, 2019

Today we’re talking all about how to grow your audience, list and impact using virtual summits with Bailey Richert. To see a successful summit first hand grab your free ticket to Bailey’s annual Infopreneur Summit at
You'll want to tune into this episode where we cover:
How Bailey's quarter-life crisis drove her to take action to create a business that supports her and her family
How she married her traditional MIT education with the online marketing world
What a virtual summit is and how to leverage them to grow your business (and your list!)
How to identify & fill information gaps when organizing your summit
The reason why Bailey rejects most requests to be featured in online summits (and what you can do to stand out to influencers for your own summit)
How many team members you actually need to pull off your first successful summit
If you've ever wondered if creating your own online summit is right for you, you'll want to tune into this one. 
 // Bailey's Bio:
Bailey Richert is an award-winning business coach who helps individuals launch and grow profitable online enterprises as “infopreneurs”: respected experts in their fields creating value, generating income and realizing their ideal lifestyles by sharing their life experience, knowledge and passions with others through information products and services.   
// Social Links:
// Resources Mentioned:
Infopreneur Toolkit >>>
Virtual Summit School >>>
Trello-ing for Traffic >>>

Wednesday Apr 10, 2019

This week of the Inbox Besties podcast we're discussing Building a Scalable Business with Sylvia Hall.
Before we get into the episode, I want to invite you to join the Inforpreneur Summit:  The Virtual Conference for Beginning and Budding Infopreneurs.  If you're ready to turn your experience into income, you don't want to miss this one.  There will be over 50 master infopreneurs and online business pros sharing their expertise when it comes to building a profitable business based on your own life experience.  The summit starts April 22.  Sign up at
Now, back to Episode 85 of Inbox Besties.  Sylvia Hall is a little bit different than many of the guests we have on the show.  Most of us are selling courses, coaching or selling services.  Sylvia sells physical products on her website.  She started out selling jewelry on Etsy and hit a brick wall (and burnout) that led to a big ah-ha moment when she asked herself one important question:  "Is this scalable?"
You'll want to tune into this episode where we cover:
How to create a business you can sell later
How to handle negative comments on your Facebook™ ads
How to use quizzes to grow her list, personalize product recommendations and also reward them
Finding a manufacturer for your product
How to get wholesale orders for your physical product
If you've ever been curious how to grow a physical product business that is supportive of your lifestyle, is scalable and doesn't drive you crazy, this episode is for you. 
 // Sylvia's Bio:
Sylvia Hall is the cofounder of LIFTED and is the creator of multiple probiotics designed to decrease anxiety and enhance mood. She lives in Kansas City with her family of 2 kids, 2 dogs, and one husband. Sylvia is wildly optimistic about our capacity to feel better.
// Social Links:
// Resources Mentioned:
Thrive Quiz Builder (for WordPress) >>>
Interact Quiz Builder (for SquareSpace) >>>
Inbox Besties Episode #75 with Morgan Battista >>> Kit >>>

Friday Apr 05, 2019

This week we're re-airing our most popular interview today - Mike from Member Vault that originally aired back in June 2018. 
Please note the tool of the week (Todd Herman's video series) is no longer available. 
HOWEVER, the free level of membervault is even BETTER than last year's version. Claim your free Member Vault Account now:

Double Dog Dare #24

Monday Apr 01, 2019

Monday Apr 01, 2019

It's the Monday. Its time for your double dog dare of the week to help you grow your list, mindset or piggy bank.And this week we're tapping into energy of the it being the 1st of the month and the 1st of the quarter. 
Need more ideas for your emails:
Brought to you by Trello-ing For Traffic
With over 20 pre-made marketing, system and processing Trello Board found in Trelloing For Traffic. Board include planning a mega launch, map out your day and running a webinar just to name a few. Best part? It’s only $24!  Http://
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Wednesday Mar 27, 2019

This week of the Inbox Besties podcast we're discussing Human Design with Sunshine Boatright where we talk about what exactly Human Design is (there's physics involved... who knew!) and how the different types interact in business, relationships and more!
In this episode, we cover:
Mindset & Human Design
What Human Design is and how you can apply it to your business, relationships & more
Which Human Design type does their best work by working only a few hours a day
How use the same strategy as Einstein to stop your 9-5 from draining your creative energy so you can build your business
How to recognize the signs that you are getting guidance from your Human Design
Ever wonder why some people can manifest things easily?  And yet, here you sit wondering how to make manifestation work for you.  Sunshine is sharing one of the tools in her toolbox with this FREE manifesting workbook.
 // Sunshine's Bio:
Sunshine Boatright is a Spiritual Alchemist, Energetic Healer, Modern Mystic and Creator of “Good Morning Sunshine”. She lives in Savannah with her now-retired husband of 25 years, her special needs son, and all the fur babies that man can handle! When not musing, giving readings or writing, she can be found either with a great book, watching amazing movies, or rocking her heart out at an epic concert. She knows that life is made for the now AND the long haul and that you can never have too much coffee or chocolate for both.
Find out more about Sunshine by heading to:  Ready to book a call?  Go to to schedule right away.
For a daily dose of positivity & inspiration, using any Alexa device (or the Alexa app), look for the Good Morning Sunshine >
Convert Kit >>>

Wednesday Mar 20, 2019

[83] Why Your Email List Isn't The Golden Goose Everyone Says It Should Be (Hint: It's not that your audience is a bunch of cheapos).
Today, we’re covering why your email list is pain in the butt not the golden goose everyone keeps screaming about. This week’s episode is sponsored by my free 3 part live Lucrative List Series.
Where over the course of 3 days (March 22, 26, 28th) you’ll learn how to turn a tiny list covered in dust or one that constantly says they LOVE your stuff but never whip out their credit card into a hub of die hard fans who hang on your every word while gladly filling up your iphone screen with PayPal notifications.
Here’s how it’s going down:
🤩Class #1 - Little List Big Profit March 21 at 9pm EST [that’s this Thursday!] during this class you'll learn my best tips for turning a profit every month even if your subscriber count is embarrassedly low.
✏️ Class #2 - How to write sales emails dripping in cash & oozing personality - March 26 at 9pm EST No more !!! point slapping your subscribers or channeling a used car sales man when you have to switch to sales mode
💌Class #3 - 3 emails every welcome series and funnel must have. - March 28 at 9pm ESTI get not everyone is ready for a full fledged sales funnel so we're over 6 emails in all 3 for the welcome series and 3 for your funnels/ launches
To register for this toe-curling free series head over to:
***Replays are up for 24 hours only***
Love Your List 2.0™ is opened through March 21, 2019 - March 29, 2019 only.  Get in now:
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// Free Stuff For You
[Email Ideas] Don’t worry about what to email your list until 2021!
[Free Challenge] Finally start your profitable blog -
[Free Course] Create a freebie that serves and sell - free course! -
[Free Trello Board] FB Group Promo Board -
// Subscribe Yo! You scrolled this far, let’s make it official!

Double Dog Dare #23

Monday Mar 18, 2019

Monday Mar 18, 2019

Double Dog Dare Ya #23
This it’s Monday which means, it’s time to I’m double dog daring ya with one action task for the week to help you grow your list, wallet or business mindset.
//  Resources Mentioned:
Loom Videos  - Free app for Google Chrome -
Lucrative List Series Brought you by Love Your List 2.0™ - sign up begin March 18 at 12pm EST at
//  Get Credit! Tag me in your Instagram Stories @kate_doster once you do your Double Dog Dare Ya for a future shoutout
// Love Your List
// Free Stuff For You
[Email Ideas] Don’t worry about what to email your list until 2021!
[Free Challenge] Finally start your profitable blog -
[Free Course] Create a freebie that serves and sell - free course! -
[Free Trello Board] FB Group Promo Board -
[Free Audio Book ] From Audible
Free 30 Day Trial of ConvertKit -
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// Subscribe Yo! You scrolled this far, let’s make it official!

Thursday Mar 14, 2019

This week of the Inbox Besties podcast we're chatting with  branding expert, marketing strategist & designer Rita Ester of  and  all about how your turn a side hustle into your full time gig. 
And if you're nervous about getting the leap into entrepreneurship because you can't stomach not  knowing how much you'll make every month be sure to download Rita's amazing free the gift the Consistent Cash Flow Guide. 
In it you'll learn...
Learn how to captivate your customers with enticing offers they can’t resist
Confidently price your packages to get that “easy yes” again and again
Steal my social media strategy to stay booked solid – without spending a DIME on paid ads!
Even if you don't have a done of testimonials or previous work to show off.  Grab your free copy. 
Rita is sharing with us today:
How to get your first clients without having bothering your family and friends
How to schedule your day so you can manage both working your 9-5 while finding new clients and serving the ones you already have well. 
Must have tools for side hustler to look like big business
A simple trick for taking the pressure off  your side hustle when it has to pay your bills
The secret to getting repeat clients that anyone can do
The one thing Rita invested when she first started out that had the biggest impact on growing her business wicked fast
How to prices your servers so you don't burn out or scare away buyers. 
The key to making 
How to fire clients gracefully
// Rita's Bio:
Rita Ester is the founder of Break Up With My Boss. She's Louisiana girl who loves to cook, loves the outdoors and adores my family. She is a mom of 3 adorable & annoying teenage boys, have 2 very spoiled rescue dogs and am lucky to be with my amazing best friend & boyfriend who puts up with all my crazy ideas. 
When she's not dealing with that house full of fun you'll  find her  whipping of websites, fresh logos and teaching other freelancers how to breakup with their bosses too. 
Find out more about Rita by heading to:  and
// Resources Mentioned:
Love Your List 2.0 Wait list >>>
Trelloing For Traffic >>>
Don't forget to subscriber and leave a review on itunes

Wednesday Mar 06, 2019

Ready to make email marketing the most profitable and fun part of running your business and blog? Get on the waitlist for Love Your List™ 2.0 for a chance to invest at the course for $200 off on March 11 - March 13, 2019 but you have to be on the VIP waitlist - which you can get on here >>>
Today we're talking about 4 Email Marketing "Should I's?" that's been rolling around in your brain. 
1. Should I really have an email list? (Spoiler alert - Maybe not)
2. How many people should I have on my list before I start sending them emails / sales emails?
3. How long should my emails be?4. How many "value" emails should I send before sending sales emails?
We tackle those and so much more in Module 1 of Love Your List™ 2.0
//Resources Mentioned: 
[#76] How To Boost Your Traffic With Viral Content & Pinterest With Elna Of Twins Mommy
[80] Let's plan a launch!
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