Do The Brave Thing™ Online Business Podcast with Kate Doster

Welcome to the Do The Brave Thing™ Online Business Podcast hosted by Kate Doster. Where every week you’ll practical advice, motivation and big thinking energy to help you sell more, lead better and help a crap ton of people without letting those negative voices in your head getting in the way. Author: Kate Doster

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[80] Let's plan a launch!

Thursday Feb 28, 2019

Thursday Feb 28, 2019

Let's plan a launch. This week you're getting a behind the scene view of what I'm doing for my upcoming launch of Love Your List 2.0. (You can hop on the VIP wait list here) 
We're breaking down this launch into 4 phrases:
1. Prep
2. Planning3. Creation4. Selling
You'll also turn about what new things I'm trying this time around. // Leave a review on Apple Podcast - take a screen shot- email me to win a prize for the month of February. (US & Canada only) >>>
// Tool of the week: ConvertKit
The ONLY email service provider created by a pro blogger for pro bloggers. From free stunning to landing pages to “smart automation” to the ability to track when subscribers become customers all with an easy to use interface. Convert Kit is truly a new bloggers' best friend. And you get an exclusive 30 free trial so you can get a look under the hood and see how much easier Convertkit is than your current email service provider. Head over to to get your hands on this exclusive offer for Inbox Besties listeners.
// Tool of The Week : Trello-ing For Traffic
With over 20 pre-made marketing, system and processing Trello Board found in Trelloing For Traffic. Board including planning a mega launch, map out your day and running a webinar just to name a few. Best part? It’s only $24!  Http://
// Don’t worry about what to email your list until 2020!
Grab 2 years worth of high quality email ideas over at
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Double Dog Dare #22

Monday Feb 25, 2019

Monday Feb 25, 2019

It's Monday which means it's time for another Double Dog Dare. Where I give you a small but high impact task to complete for the week to help you grow your list, mindset or business. 
And this week's double dare dog - is all about making sure your site is actually working for you!Need a fresh set of eyeballs that were actually trained in conversions, copywriting and cash-making? Snag a one of my website teardown audits, we're you'll get actionable tips for boosting your conversion and cash from your website.
// Get credit!
Slide into my dms on Instagram  @kate_doster let me a voice message of which Double Dog Dare you did (no need to remember the number just the dare) and tell me your results for your chance to be featured on the show! 
/ Free Stuff For You
[Email Ideas] Don’t worry about what to email your list until 2021!
[Free Challenge] Finally start your profitable blog -
[Free Course] Create a freebie that serves and sell - free course! -
[Free Trello Board] FB Group Promo Board -
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Wednesday Feb 20, 2019

 79 - 2 Quick Copywriting Tips Your Wallet is Dying For You To Know
In this week's episodes you'll learn 2 of my biggest tips for turning lumpy words into eye-grabbing attention getters. 
For even more most-know copywriting tips head over to to get on the waitlist for Love Your List and you'll receive one of my most popular lesson for the copywriting module of the course. (Which opens again in mid-march)
// The Email Marketing Fairy Template Set 
// Leave a review on Apple Podcast - take a screen shot- email me to win a prize for the month of February. (US & Canada only) >>>
// Tool of the week: ConvertKit
The ONLY email service provider created by a pro blogger for pro bloggers. From free stunning to landing pages to “smart automation” to the ability to track when subscribers become customers all with an easy to use interface. Convert Kit is truly a new bloggers' best friend. And you get an exclusive 30 free trial so you can get a look under the hood and see how much easier Convertkit is than your current email service provider. Head over to to get your hands on this exclusive offer for Inbox Besties listeners.
// Don’t worry about what to email your list until 2020!
Grab 2 years worth of high quality email ideas over at
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Double Dog Dare #21

Tuesday Feb 19, 2019

Tuesday Feb 19, 2019

It's Monday which means it's time for another Double Dog Dare. Where I give you a small but high impact task to complete for the week to help you grow your list, mindset or business. 
And this week's double dare dog - is all about signing up for your own list on mobile!
// Get credit!
Slide into my dms on Instagram  @kate_doster let me a voice message of which Double Dog Dare you did (no need to remember the number just the dare) and tell me your results for your chance to be featured on the show! 
/ Free Stuff For You
[Email Ideas] Don’t worry about what to email your list until 2021!
[Free Challenge] Finally start your profitable blog -
[Free Course] Create a freebie that serves and sell - free course! -
[Free Trello Board] FB Group Promo Board -
//  Let’s Connect
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Wednesday Feb 13, 2019

Welcome back my Inbox besties besties!
This episode is broad to you by the Rebel Boss Summit - A totally free amazing marketing event for online course creators - happening February 26th - 28th, 2019 Grab your FREE ticket to the Rebel Boss Summit  $997+ Value here
Have you left the a review on Apple podcast? It only takes a couple of seconds makes a world of difference for the show (and me!)
1. Click here to magically be redirected to the review page. 
2. Leave your review
3. Take a shot of your review and send it to for your chance to win one of our monthly prize giveaways. 
This week we're discussing 6 advance way to grow your email list. 
This isn't a "put an opt-in form on your about page" type of thing.
To get my full list of 18 advance ways to grow your email list + 2 years worth of weekly newsletter head over to right now. 
//Resources mentioned
GoViral - free software for rewarding people to share
Upviral - Paid software only reward people who get more people to join your list
Create quizzes with Thrive Quiz Builder for Wordpress
[75] How To Run Facebook Ads In 2019 Without Going Broke w/ Morgan Battista  
[#76] How To Boost Your Traffic With Viral Content & Pinterest W/ Elna Cain
[77] Organizing a list building giveaway w/ Lanie Lamarre of Miss #GSD
[24] How to Grow your List with Massive Giveaways - Behind the Scenes of the Coaches Toolkit Giveaway  w/ Maria Saracen
[54] How to Turn A Failed Launch Into A Cash Cow with Eden Fried
// Tool of the week: ConvertKit
The ONLY email service provider created by a pro blogger for pro bloggers. From free stunning to landing pages to “smart automation” to the ability to track when subscribers become customers all with an easy to use interface. Convert Kit is truly a new bloggers' best friend. And you get an exclusive 30 free trial so you can get a look under the hood and see how much easier Convertkit is than your current email service provider. Head over to to get your hands on this exclusive offer for Inbox Besties listeners.
// Free Stuff For You
[Email Ideas] Don’t worry about what to email your list until 2021!
[Free Challenge] Finally start your profitable blog –
[Free Course] Create a freebie that serves and sell – free course! –
[Free Trello Board] FB Group Promo Board –
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Double Dog Dare #20

Monday Feb 11, 2019

Monday Feb 11, 2019

It's Monday which means it's time for another Double Dog Dare. Where I give you a small but high impact task to complete for the week to help you grow your list, mindset or business. 
And this week's double dare dog - is all about signing up for your own list on mobile!
// Get credit!
Slide into my dms on Instagram  @kate_doster let me a voice message of which Double Dog Dare you did (no need to remember the number just the dare) and tell me your results for your chance to be featured on the show! 
// Resources Mentioned:
Convertplus - The new Wordpress plugin I'm using to grow my list with click triggers (you click on text or picture and opt-in for shows up), slide ins & hello bars.  Such a great plugin! 
[#76] How To Boost Your Traffic With Viral Content & Pinterest With Elna of Twins Mommy 
// Free Stuff For You
[Email Ideas] Don’t worry about what to email your list until 2021!
[Free Challenge] Finally start your profitable blog -
[Free Course] Create a freebie that serves and sell - free course! -
[Free Trello Board] FB Group Promo Board -
//  Let’s Connect
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Wednesday Feb 06, 2019

 This episode Lanie breaks down exactly she created, organized and ran the I’m the Boss Giveaway  to grow her email list— without losing her mind or any key information from contributors.
This massive giveaway contest had over 20 collaborators to keep track of Airtable -a free project management app -  was key in helping Lanie get information from contributors without all the needless back and forward via email. 
In this interview we cover:
How to find collaborators for your giveaway
How GDPR plays a role
How to long it takes to pull together a giveaway like this
What assets you need to create to promote this bad boy & be a good host.
For the full show notes + photos - head over to
// Guest Bio
My name is Lanie Lamarre - haiiieeee! - and I help overwhelmed service-based bosses quit crying in the shower. I'm a systems strategist but instead of showing you the latest productivity hack *insert eye roll* my goal is to bring your focus back to DOING MORE OF WHAT ACTUALLY MATTERS so you can HAVE AND BE MORE OF WHAT YOU WANT. Because you DO enough; in fact, I believe that most of us do too much! Let's flip the script on the "busy" of business and systematically set ourselves up to HAVE more of what we got into this for and BE more empowered to achieve what we set out.Lanie’s Website is
//  Links from the show:
I’m The Boss Giveaway - Enter for Your Chance to Win over $2000 worth of coaching & courses  but hurry you only have until Feb. 9, 2019 to enter —
Snag your spot for the List Giveaway Masterclass on Feb. 23,2019 + Free Airtable Base  —
Airtable free app for organizing this bad boy.
Kingsumo app for running the contest + picking a winner
The Email Marketing Fairy Template -
[23] 4 Ways That Still Work To Grow Your List-building in 2018
// Tool of the week: ConvertKit
The ONLY email service provider created by a pro blogger for pro bloggers. From free stunning to landing pages to “smart automation” to the ability to track when subscribers become customers all with an easy to use interface. Convert Kit is truly a new bloggers' best friend. And you get an exclusive 30 free trial so you can get a look under the hood and see how much easier Convertkit is than your current email service provider. Head over to to get your hands on this exclusive offer for Inbox Besties listeners.
// Don’t worry about what to email your list until 2020!
Grab 2 years worth of high-quality email ideas over at
//  Let’s Connect
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Double Dog Dare #19

Monday Feb 04, 2019

Monday Feb 04, 2019

It's monday which means I'm challenging you to do one thing this week to grow your list, pocketbook or mindset. 
And this week's DDD is brought to you by the I'm The Boss Giveaway  where one lucky winner will win over $2000 courses & coaching covering everything from:
● Digital Marketing
● Publicity, Launching, Sales
● Branding, Copy, Content Strategy
● Biz Growth, Systems, Productivity
● Finance and Law
● Mindset and Lifestyle
For your chance to win head over to: right now.  Ends Feb. 9th.
And this week's DDD is to run a flash sale or pop-up promotion. 
(If you need to some help crafting your promotion listen to episode [51] How to Earn $1k or More This Black Friday/ Cyber Monday Without Offering Discounts or for more personalized help head over to for my 1:1 30 day coaching experience only available in Feb. 2019. 

Wednesday Jan 30, 2019

Looking to get more traffic to your blog? This is the episode for you because today I'm interviewing blogging & traffic building superstar & creator of Ready Set Blog For Traffic   Elna Cain for
Elna is a stay-at-home working mom. She is also a professional blogger and freelance writer. She helps mom bloggers make money blogging while raising little ones at home. Make sure to join the Mom to Mompreneur Facebook group.
After this interview you'll know:
How often you should blog especially if it's been a while 
How many Pins you should create per post
How to tweak your traffic based your how you make cash
And soooooo much more. 
Get Elna's Free Gifts //
Free Traffic Planner + Blogging Turn Traffic into Money Video Course
Elna's amazing traffic course -->>> Ready Set Blog For Traffic
Trello-ing For Traffic
With over 20 pre-made marketing, system and processing Trello Board found in Trelloing For Traffic. Board including planning a mega launch, map out your day and running a webinar just to name a few. Best part? It’s only $24!  Http://
//Get your FREE Month Tailwind our favorite Pinterest scheduler. 
The rest of our In 2019....series...
[71] Steal My Exact Process For Cranking Out Value Soaked Free Content Like A Champ {Rebroadcast}
[72] Slaying your email marketing in 2019 even if you haven't emailed your list in months
[74] 3 Steps To Making More Money In 2019
[75] Running Facebook Ads in 2019 without going broke w/ Morgan Battista
/// Elna's other blogs: - Tips for freelancers
Imperfectly Perfect Mama – get your mom blog exposure by guest posting on this blog
Smart mom ideas - pregnancy and postpartum tips for brand new moms
Freelancers FAQ
Leave a review homeslice!
// Free Stuff For You
[Email Ideas] Don’t worry about what to email your list until 2021!
[Free Challenge] Finally start your profitable blog -
[Free Course] Create a freebie that serves and sell - free course! -
[Free Trello Board] FB Group Promo Board -
//  Let’s Connect
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Double Dog Dare #18

Monday Jan 28, 2019

Monday Jan 28, 2019

This it’s Monday which means, it’s time to I’m double dog daring ya with one action task for the week to help you grow your list, wallet or business mindset.
//  Get Credit!
Tag me in your Instagram Stories @kate_doster once you do your Double Dog Dare Ya for a future shoutout
// Love Your List
// Free Stuff For You
[Email Ideas] Don’t worry about what to email your list until 2021!
[Free Challenge] Finally start your profitable blog -
[Free Course] Create a freebie that serves and sell - free course! -
[Free Trello Board] FB Group Promo Board -
[Free Audio Book ] From Audible
Free 30 Day Trial of ConvertKit -
//  Let’s Connect
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