Do The Brave Thing™ Online Business Podcast with Kate Doster

Welcome to the Do The Brave Thing™ Online Business Podcast hosted by Kate Doster. Where every week you’ll practical advice, motivation and big thinking energy to help you sell more, lead better and help a crap ton of people without letting those negative voices in your head getting in the way. Author: Kate Doster

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Wednesday Jan 23, 2019

Welcome to the 4th installment of our " 2019" series based on your business & blogging goals & intentions for the year.  Today is all about using Facebook Ads to grow  your business, blog & bank account with Boutique Facebook Agency Owner &  host of the Mom Up podcast Morgan Battista
Listen to Morgan's new podcast -- The Mom UP Show 
Don’t forget to download Morgan’s free gift — 7 Biggest Facebook Ad Mistakes You Might Not Even Notice You’re Making.
In this interview all about Facebook Ads we cover:
When’s the best time is to “boost” a post when you def shouldn’t
If “Likes” actually matter on your Facebook Page
The cheapest type of ads to run
If video still is king on Facebook
The secret to paying less for your ads
The different types of ads you can run & when to run them
What to do if someone leaves a nasty comment on your ad
And more!
// Connect with Morgan online:

Double Dog Dare #17

Monday Jan 21, 2019

Monday Jan 21, 2019

This it’s Monday which means, it’s time to I’m double dog daring ya with one action task for the week to help you grow your list, wallet or business mindset.
New tab redirect for Google Chrome
//  Get Credit! Tag me in your Instagram Stories @kate_doster once you do your Double Dog Dare Ya for a future shoutout
// Love Your List
// Free Stuff For You
[Email Ideas] Don’t worry about what to email your list until 2021!
[Free Challenge] Finally start your profitable blog -
[Free Course] Create a freebie that serves and sell - free course! -
[Free Trello Board] FB Group Promo Board -
[Free Audio Book ] From Audible
Free 30 Day Trial of ConvertKit -
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Wednesday Jan 16, 2019

What's up homeslice?
Welcome to the 3rd installment of our " 2019" series based on your business & blogging goals & intentions for the year. 
This week's episode is brought to you by Ditch Your Ish, Propel Your List & Rich which you can snag at now. 
Week 1  - We covered how to be a content creation machine -  "I want to publish a weekly blog post, podcast or video
Week 2 - Episode 72  was all about slaying your email list in 2019 - "I want to make more money from my email list this year
Which brings us to week 3 - "3 steps for making more money in 2019 - " I want to make more money"
Next week [76] is all about using Facebook Ads to grow your audience.
The week after that [78] is all about using Pinterest & other organic sources to grow your traffic, list & sales. 
// Tool of The Week : Trello-ing For Traffic
With over 20 pre-made marketing, system and processing Trello Board found in Trelloing For Traffic. Board including planning a mega launch, map out your day and running a webinar just to name a few. Best part? It’s only $24!  Http://
/// Resources mentioned in the show:
Work with me 1:1 - sign up for a chemistry call here
Turning Features into Benefits

Double Dog Dare #16

Monday Jan 14, 2019

Monday Jan 14, 2019

This it’s Monday which means, it’s time to I’m double dog daring ya with one action task for the week to help you grow your list, wallet or business mindset.
And this week I'm double dog daring you to create a social media post promoting your freebie. Talk about who it's for, what problem its solves, why it's different & why your peeps need to download it now!!!!Don't have freebie or do you think your freebie stinks?  Then download my brand new free course - Freebies That Serve & Sell where in just 24 hours we'll get you creating & promoting a freebie your audience will love -->>
//  Get Credit!Tag me in your Instagram Stories @kate_doster once you do your Double Dog Dare Ya for a future shoutout
// Love Your List
Get on the waitlist yo -->> Http://
// Free Stuff For You
[Email Ideas] Don’t worry about what to email your list until 2021!
[Free Challenge] Finally start your profitable blog -
[Free Course] Create a freebie that serves and sell - free course! -
[Free Trello Board] FB Group Promo Board -
[Free Audio Book ] From Audible
Free 30 Day Trial of ConvertKit -
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// Subscribe Yo! You scrolled this far, let’s make it official!

Thursday Jan 10, 2019

This is week's episode we're chatting how to stick to your New Year's Resolution of actually emailing your email list. 
We've covering:
The biggest reason why email marketing **might** not have worked for you in 2018
How to deal with email subscribers who unsubscribe
What send your list if it's been a hot-minute since you slid in up in their inboxes
My simple trick for writing emails when you can barely string a sentence together
What you need to start doing to see success with email marketing 2019 and what you should avoid like the plague & so much more
// Trello-ing For Traffic  👈🏼👈🏼👈🏼 Treat yo'self
With over 20 pre-made marketing, system and processing Trello Board found in Trelloing For Traffic. Board including planning a mega launch, map out your day and running a webinar just to name a few. Best part? It’s only $24!  Http://
// Inbox Besties Episodes Mentioned 
70 Steal My Exact Process For Cranking Out Value Soaked Free Content Like A Champ {Rebroadcast}
[66 - Fixed] A Slacker's Guide For Planning A Kick Butt 2019 
[55] Dealing with Haters When You’re A Highly Sensitive Person 
[28] Two formulas for writing toe-curling emails in 15 minutes or less
[20] Crap, I haven't emailed my list in forever. What do I do???
[49] The Secret To Propelling Your Open Rates No One Is Telling You About
// Tool of the week: ConvertKit
The ONLY email service provider created by a pro blogger for pro bloggers. From free stunning to landing pages to “smart automation” to the ability to track when subscribers become customers all with an easy to use interface. Convert Kit is truly a new bloggers' best friend. And you get an exclusive 30 free trial so you can get a look under the hood and see how much easier Convertkit is than your current email service provider. Head over to to get your hands on this exclusive offer for Inbox Besties listeners.
// Free Stuff For You
[Email Ideas] Don’t worry about what to email your list until 2021!
[Free Challenge] Finally start your profitable blog -
[Free Course] Create a freebie that serves and sell - free course! -
[Free Trello Board] FB Group Promo Board -
//  Let’s Connect
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Instagram |
Free Facebook Community |:
Pinterest |
Facebook |
Twitter |

Double Dog Dare #15

Monday Jan 07, 2019

Monday Jan 07, 2019

This it’s Monday which means, it’s time to I’m double dog daring ya with one action task for the week to help you grow your list, wallet or business mindset.
Don't forget to grab a copy of my new FREE course - Freebies That Serve & Sell - 
//  Get Credit!Tag me in your Instagram Stories @kate_doster once you do your Double Dog Dare Ya for a future shoutout
// Love Your List
// Free Stuff For You
[Email Ideas] Don’t worry about what to email your list until 2021!
[Free Challenge] Finally start your profitable blog -
[Free Course] Create a freebie that serves and sell - free course! -
[Free Trello Board] FB Group Promo Board -
[Free Audio Book ] From Audible
Free 30 Day Trial of ConvertKit -
//  Let’s Connect
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Free Facebook Community |:
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// Subscribe Yo! You scrolled this far, let’s make it official!

Wednesday Jan 02, 2019

Happy New Year Bestie!Instead of doing an episode on my word of the year (it's or my plans for 2019, i wanted to do something that actually focused on your goals for 2019...
And I'm betting one of your goals publishing new content weekly - whether it's  on your blog, launching a podcast, facebook lives or youtube.
So I'm retiring our 3rd most downloaded episode of 2018 - 
[26] Steal My Exact Process For Cranking Out Value Soaked Free Content Like A Champ...
 (Please note the webinar with Emily, might not still be available) 
Some other episodes to help kick off your 2019:
[64] Will Podcasting Help Me Grow My Email List?
[66] A Slacker's Guide To Planning 2019
[68] How to Use Facebook Lives To Grow Your List
// Tool of The Week : Trello-ing For Traffic
With over 20 pre-made marketing, system and processing Trello Board found in Trelloing For Traffic. Board including planning a mega launch, map out your day and running a webinar just to name a few. Best part? It’s only $24!  Http://
Original show notes:
[26] Steal My Exact Process For Cranking Out Value Soaked Free Content Like A Champ...
Today I'm breaking down my complete process for constantly creating high valued free content week after week that actually makes me money while serving my audience. 
A big part of my content creation workflow are my personal Trello Boards which you can get all 22 plus 17 detailed checklists & workflows over at (For just $24).  
Resources mentioned:
Podbean - Start your own podcast for free today!
How to hide Pins in your post blogs (scroll to the last tip)
Episode [25] of Inbox Besties - How to make time your beep!Get on the vip launch list for Love Your List 
How to write blog posts when you're not a natural born writer 

Monday Dec 31, 2018

Happy Dec. 31, 2018! I'm so honored to be spending the last day of 2018 in your besides our weekly double dog dare - I wanted to reair our most downloaded episode of 2018!
Can you guess what it is?Be on the Inbox Besties! Got question about email marketing, list building, funnels, passive income, mindset, productivity or all things "woo-woo"?  Head over to and get your questions answered on the show!

Double Dog Dare Ya #14

Monday Dec 31, 2018

Monday Dec 31, 2018

Double Dog Dare Ya #14
This it’s Monday which means, it’s time to I’m double dog daring ya with one action task for the week to help you grow your list, wallet or business mindset.
//  Get Credit! Tag me in your Instagram Stories @kate_doster once you do your Double Dog Dare Ya for a future shoutout
// Love Your List
// Free Stuff For You
[Email Ideas] Don’t worry about what to email your list until 2021!
[Free Challenge] Finally start your profitable blog -
[Free Course] Create a freebie that serves and sell - free course! -
[Free Trello Board] FB Group Promo Board -
[Free Audio Book ] From Audible
Free 30 Day Trial of ConvertKit -
//  Let’s Connect
Email |
Questions For the Podcast|
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Free Facebook Community |:
Pinterest |
Facebook |
Twitter |
// Subscribe Yo! You scrolled this far, let’s make it official!

Thursday Dec 27, 2018

[70] The 4 Books That Had the Biggest Impact On My Business This Year
Get any of these books for free thanks to our friends over at Audible >>> Https://
Trello-ing For Traffic
With over 20 pre-made marketing, system and processing Trello Board found in Trelloing For Traffic. Boards include planning a mega launch, map out your day and running a webinar just to name a few. Best part? It’s only $24!  Http://
1.The Actor's Life: A Survival Guide  by Jenna Fischer  
Create a consist body of work
Make your own thing
Always be working on your craft
Surround yourself with other artist
2. Big Magic By Elizabeth Gilbert
Focus on your curiosity
Let fear sit in the back seat
“Dont’ try to make a living from your Art…” Not sure I agree with that
Ideas are looking for home
3. Finish: Give Yourself the Gift of Done by Jon Acuff  (Author)
Plan for the day after perfect
Cut your goals in half
Make it fun
Choose what to bomb
4. Make time : how to focus on what matters every day / Jake Knapp and John Zeratsky
    (How it works)   - Highlight, Laser, (Energize) & Reflect
Make time for the most important thing
Live like a caveman
It’s okay to test
Distraction free phone
Honorable Mention:
Expert Secrets



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