Do The Brave Thing™ Online Business Podcast with Kate Doster

Welcome to the Do The Brave Thing™ Online Business Podcast hosted by Kate Doster. Where every week you’ll practical advice, motivation and big thinking energy to help you sell more, lead better and help a crap ton of people without letting those negative voices in your head getting in the way. Author: Kate Doster

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Double Dog Dare Ya #8

Monday Nov 19, 2018

Monday Nov 19, 2018

Double Dog Dare Ya #8
This it’s Monday which means, it’s time to I’m double dog daring ya with one action task for the week to help you grow your list, wallet or business mindset.
//  Get Credit! Tag me in your Instagram Stories @kate_doster once you do your Double Dog Dare Ya for a future shoutout
// Love Your List
// Free Stuff For You
[Email Ideas] Don’t worry about what to email your list until 2021!
[Free Challenge] Finally start your profitable blog -
[Free Course] Create a freebie that serves and sell - free course! -
[Free Trello Board] FB Group Promo Board -
[Free Audio Book ] From Audible
Free 30 Day Trial of ConvertKit -
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Wednesday Nov 14, 2018

[58] Behind The Scenes - Black Friday Edition
Here's my personal struggles with what to offer on Black Friday & how it all come to me in a creative rush. Plus get a chance to get it early...
Get My Black Friday Deal  Name Your Price Deal - The Ditch The -Ish, Propel Your List & Get Rich 12 Day Sprint Challenge - 12 Days Of Busting Through Frustration, Nailing Your Copy, Propelling Your List & Bloating Your Piggy Bank Without Feeling Like a Phony Sellout is laser-focused on you getting you motivated,  momentum & results.  >>>
Thrive Cart - My Shopping Cart Service
// Tool of the week: ConvertKit
The ONLY email service provider created by a pro blogger for pro bloggers. From free stunning to landing pages to “smart automation” to the ability to track when subscribers become customers all with an easy to use interface. Convert Kit is truly a new bloggers' best friend. And you get an exclusive 30 free trial so you can get a look under the hood and see how much easier Convertkit is than your current email service provider. Head over to to get your hands on this exclusive offer for Inbox Besties listeners.
// Don’t worry about what to email your list until 2020!
Grab 2 years worth of high quality email ideas over at
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Double Dog Dare Ya #7

Monday Nov 12, 2018

Monday Nov 12, 2018

Double Dog Dare Ya #7
This it’s Monday which means, it’s time to I’m double dog daring ya with one action task for the week to help you grow your list, wallet or business mindset.
//  Get Credit! Tag me in your Instagram Stories @kate_doster once you do your Double Dog Dare Ya for a future shoutout
// Love Your List
// Free Stuff For You
[Email Ideas] Don’t worry about what to email your list until 2021!
[Free Challenge] Finally start your profitable blog -
[Free Course] Create a freebie that serves and sell - free course! -
[Free Trello Board] FB Group Promo Board -
[Free Audio Book ] From Audible
Free 30 Day Trial of ConvertKit -
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Wednesday Nov 07, 2018

[56] {Mini-Training} Don’t create your business plan for 2019 before listening to this
Elegant Themes iMac pre-black hype builder -
// Tool of The Week : Trello-ing For Traffic
With over 20 pre-made marketing, system and processing Trello Board found in Trelloing For Traffic. Board include planning a mega launch, map out your day and running a webinar just to name a few. Best part? It’s only $24!  Http://
Questions to ask yourself before planning your business for the year..
Core & Operations
Is my business still centered around my sweet spot?
Is it operating the way and in the vision in a way that serves me?
Am I using the right business model / structure?
I have/has are their systems and support I need in place?
What’s tripping me up?
Where do I get stuck?
What could I delegate or get more help with or just plain old delete?
Branding   & Messaging
Does my current branding I put out into the world still reflect my vision?
Does my online presence support that? Does support my goals?
Core values?
Stock photos & social media template?
What’s going on with my revenue streams?
How am I bringing in money?
what’s bring in the most?
Do I hate it?
Is it still serving me & my vision?
Do I want to see something else?
I this there anything I hate?
Are they supported?
Is my ideal client still the same?
Capture  (Freebies - is it converting? Does it lead to something? webinars, challenges)
Nurture (Emails, Funnels, )
Convert - Offers & Sales Page
Resources mentioned:
The Hirsh Marketing Podcast on iTunes
Tarot cards I use - Biddy Mini Tarot Cards
                                  - Sun and Moon Tarot 
Birthday Tarot Spread
// Don’t worry about what to email your list until 2020!
Grab 2 years worth of high quality email ideas over at
//  Let’s Connect
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Email Marketing Podcast

Double Dog Dare Ya #6

Monday Nov 05, 2018

Monday Nov 05, 2018

Double Dog Dare Ya #6
This it’s Monday which means, it’s time to I’m double dog daring ya with one action task for the week to help you grow your list, wallet or business mindset.
//  Get Credit! Tag me in your Instagram Stories @kate_doster once you do your Double Dog Dare Ya for a future shoutout
// Love Your List
// Free Stuff For You
[Email Ideas] Don’t worry about what to email your list until 2021!
[Free Challenge] Finally start your profitable blog -
[Free Course] Create a freebie that serves and sell - free course! -
[Free Trello Board] FB Group Promo Board -
[Free Audio Book ] From Audible
Free 30 Day Trial of ConvertKit -
//  Let’s Connect
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Wednesday Oct 31, 2018

Because sometimes it's not as easy as saying screw 'em
// Exclusive 1:1 Coaching Spots
Interest in my high level 3 Month 1:1 Coaching experience the Difference Maker? Email me with Difference Maker in the subject line. 
// Resources Mention
The Email Marketing  Fairy Template set with over 50 grab and go email templates including funnels, welcome series and weekly newsletters.
// Tool of the week: ConvertKit
The ONLY email service provider created by a pro blogger for pro bloggers. From free stunning to landing pages to “smart automation” to the ability to track when subscribers become customers all with an easy to use interface. Convert Kit is truly a new bloggers' best friend. And you get an exclusive 30 free trial so you can get a look under the hood and see how much easier Convertkit is than your current email service provider. Head over to to get your hands on this exclusive offer for Inbox Besties listeners.
// Don’t worry about what to email your list until 2020!
Grab 2 years worth of high quality email ideas over at
//  Let’s Connect
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Double Dog Dare Ya #5

Monday Oct 29, 2018

Monday Oct 29, 2018

Double Dog Dare Ya #5
This it’s Monday which means, it’s time to I’m double dog daring ya with one action task for the week to help you grow your list, wallet or business mindset.
//  Get Credit! Tag me in your Instagram Stories @kate_doster once you do your Double Dog Dare Ya for a future shoutout
// Love Your List
// Free Stuff For You
[Email Ideas] Don’t worry about what to email your list until 2021!
[Free Challenge] Finally start your profitable blog -
[Free Course] Create a freebie that serves and sell - free course! -
[Free Trello Board] FB Group Promo Board -
[Free Audio Book ] From Audible
Free 30 Day Trial of ConvertKit -
//  Let’s Connect
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Wednesday Oct 24, 2018

[54]  What To Do When Your Launch Is A Total Flop w/ Eden Fried
This week I have the pleasure of interviewing the problogger, passive income super star, and leader of the Bread & Butter Blogging U Eden Fried of the Rebel Boss Ladies Podcast.
What makes this interview so special (besides the amazing value bombs Eden is dropping) is that today Eden is releasing an interview I did on her podcast The Rebel Boss Ladies Podcast all about how to get reader addicted to throwing money at you on repeat.  Click here to listen on iTunes or here for Android users.
After this episode, you’ll know…
How to tell if your launch was a big failure or not..spoiler alert it probably wasn’t
What do to if you tell your audience you have 10 seats to your group coaching program but only fill two spots #embarrassing
How Eden took a course that didn’t sell a single copy and turned it into a cash cow!
Exactly how many people you should have on your list before launching a product
And so much more
// Free Gift From Eden >>>
Case study - How I Made my first $1,000 online Doing What I Love & You Can Too! Head-over to: now
// Connect More with Eden
Podcast: Rebel Boss Ladies
Membership Community: Bread & Butter Blogging U
Official Bio:
Eden Fried ditched paint-suits and law libraries in early 2016 and traded them in for sweat pants and a laptop so she could build a business online. Ever since abandoning corporate America, Eden has successfully built a profitable online business by selling digital products. Today, she and her husband live off of passive income - the kind of income you earn while sleeping at night, out to dinner with friends, or wiping your baby’s butt cheeks. How does she do it? Well, she keeps no secrets. Eden shares her entire strategy on her website,, where she teaches aspiring entrepreneurs how to build that life of freedom and financial flexibility by creating and selling digital products online. Are you intrigued?? You can learn how Eden made her first $1,000 online by downloading her personal story: When Eden’s not blogging or recording an episode of the Rebel Boss Ladies podcast, she’s either at the CrossFit gym throwing around moderately heavy weights for fun, spending time with her husband, or choking back tears from an episode of This Is Us. 
// Resources Mention
The Email Marketing  Fairy Template set with over 50 grab and go email templates including funnels, welcome series and weekly newsletters.
// Tool of the week: ConvertKit
The ONLY email service provider created by a pro blogger for pro bloggers. From free stunning to landing pages to “smart automation” to the ability to track when subscribers become customers all with an easy to use interface. Convert Kit is truly a new bloggers' best friend. And you get an exclusive 30 free trial so you can get a look under the hood and see how much easier Convertkit is than your current email service provider. Head over to to get your hands on this exclusive offer for Inbox Besties listeners.
// Don’t worry about what to email your list until 2020!
Grab 2 years worth of high quality email ideas over at
//  Let’s Connect
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Subscribe homie!

Double Dog Dare Ya #4

Monday Oct 22, 2018

Monday Oct 22, 2018

Double Dog Dare Ya #4
This it’s Monday which means, it’s time to I’m double dog daring ya with one action task for the week to help you grow your list, wallet or business mindset.
//  Get Credit! Tag me in your Instagram Stories @kate_doster once you do your Double Dog Dare Ya for a future shoutout
// Love Your List
// Free Stuff For You
[Email Ideas] Don’t worry about what to email your list until 2021!
[Free Challenge] Finally start your profitable blog -
[Free Course] Create a freebie that serves and sell - free course! -
[Free Trello Board] FB Group Promo Board -
[Free Audio Book ] From Audible
Free 30 Day Trial of ConvertKit -
//  Let’s Connect
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// Subscribe Yo! You scrolled this far, let’s make it official!

Wednesday Oct 17, 2018

[RE-Broadcast] Inspired by this week's double dog dare - to pitch a podcast. 
Please note Christy's program is no longer open for enrollment for you can STILL get her amazing free 
This week on the show we're tackling getting media coverage for your small business and blog with our PR Expert Christy Laverty 
Christy is a 20-year veteran Journalist, working in some of Canada’s largest broadcast newsrooms. She's been a news/media decision maker and knows EXACTLY what the media needs and wants.
There is power in the media. In this week's episode, you'll learn to leverage that power to better promote your business, blog, and brand without pulling your hair out, slaving away for hours or emptying out your pockets.
You’ll Learn:
 Why following up with journalists and producers is a must
Why even though you might not listen to the radio in your car anymore it's still an amazing way to boost to your creditably 
The #1 reason why journalist won't bat an eyelash in your pitch
How to pull down those butterflies and just pitch anyways. 
// Free Gift From Christy Laverty - The Media Email Pitch Kit
Get Christy's free gift for Inbox Besties Listeners:  The Media Email Pitch Kit which you can download at so you'll know exact what to say in your pitch emails that leave reports and products instantly replies back..."When can I put you on???"
// Tool of The Week : Trello-ing For Traffic
With over 20 pre-made marketing, system and processing Trello Board found in Trelloing For Traffic. Board includes planning a mega launch, map out your day and running a webinar just to name a few. Best part? It’s only $24!  Http://
// 50 Grab & Go Weekly Newsletters - The Email Marketing Fairy
The Email Marketing  Fairy Template set with over 50 grab and go email templates including funnels, welcome series and weekly newsletters.
// Resources Mentioned
This week's episode is brought to you - To claim your free of audio copy of  You Are A Bad Ass By Jen Sincero or one of over 180,000+ audiobooks head over to now. 
// Connect with Christy Laverty
//  Let’s Connect
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