Do The Brave Thing™ Online Business Podcast with Kate Doster
Welcome to the Do The Brave Thing™ Online Business Podcast hosted by Kate Doster. Where every week you’ll practical advice, motivation and big thinking energy to help you sell more, lead better and help a crap ton of people without letting those negative voices in your head getting in the way. Author: Kate Doster

Wednesday Nov 17, 2021
Wednesday Nov 17, 2021
I know it's alittle early but I figured since next Wednesday is the day before thanksgiving let's just your emails taking care of now.

Wednesday Nov 10, 2021

Wednesday Oct 27, 2021
Wednesday Oct 27, 2021
If you haven't already claimed your spot for the LIVE "How To Write Emails So Good They Lick The Screen" training going on November 1, 2021 and November 2, 2021 - so up live for a special bonus. Let's talk about what to email your list in November if you're not doing a Black Friday promotion. If you are doing a Black Friday promotion - don't forget to checkout the Black Friday SOS Kit with all the emails, social media posts and content ideas you'll need to run a stress-free, standout Black Friday promotion. Want more email ideas? Head over to for a free 2 years worth of email ideas guide.

Friday Oct 22, 2021
Friday Oct 22, 2021
Learn how to turn a little email list into big profits without being a giant spammer face (or selling super high priced courses or coaching. )
How to write email so good they lick the screen. .

Wednesday Oct 13, 2021
Wednesday Oct 13, 2021
Have you ever felt like you're pigeonholed in your niche?
Like you have done such an amazing job getting known with one single topic but now you're starting to resent it? Or maybe you're seeing the writing on the wall and the niche that you chosen it's just a bad one.
In this episode of inbox besties we are going to talk to Monica Froese all about how she went from being the go to promoted pins expert to pivoting to be known for digital products and sales funnels.
Episode we talk about so much more than just that. We talk about:
how America does not care about working moms.
How large publications can twist your words and what Monica did the first time she went viral and not a good way.
Why it's so important to read your contracts.
Allowing yourself permission to change your signature offers and close them down entirely.
How to deal with disappointment and mean emails from audience members
And so much more.
I can’t lie. This was definitely on my favorite interviews I’ve ever had her on Inbox Besties.
**Please note this was originally recorded in May - so we talk about the month of August 2021 in the future tense.***Important Links:Listen to Monica’s podcast - The Empowered Business PodcastMonica’s Website
Monica’s other website Redefining mom
Hang out with Monica over on Instagram @monica.froeseGrab your copy of the Email Marketing Fairy now. Did you like this episode? Take a screenshot and tag Monica and I (@monica.froese & @kate_doster) in your Instagram stories.

Wednesday Oct 06, 2021
Wednesday Oct 06, 2021
Let’s talk about how I made $10k in affiliate income from two emails and one podcast intro.
You’ll also hear the 5 must have things if you want to have high affiliate launch income (without having to give away ANY bonuses!_
In this episode I break how I find out about Amanda Frances’ Money Mentality Makeover launch when there was only 48 hours yet and I turned that into an easy 10K launch.
If it’s before Oct. 12 at 11:59pm EST to claim your 25 free premium resources
Resources mentioned:My health coach @nickandersonfitness - website:
Money Mentality Makeover
Free Money Resources from Amanda Frances

Monday Oct 04, 2021
Monday Oct 04, 2021
The Back To Business Free Bundle is open. Head over to to claim over 20 free gifts for $0 covering everything from Facebook Ads, To Creating Digital products and of course email templates.
Here's a list of all the free gifts you can get until Oct. 12, 2021
Subscribers to Raving Fans - 30 Prewritten Weekly Newsletter Templates - a $97 value from Kate Doster
Organise and Grow Your Biz with a Team - a $333 value from Dani Fairhurst
The Total Biz Makeover Method - a $197 Value from Faith Mariah
The Site Schedule + Bonus WordPress Template - a $79 value from Happily Hafsa
That (Black) Friday Feeling normally sold for $9 from Elizabeth Goddard
Creating Kids Printables In Canva - a $47 value from Faith Lee
30 Canva Templates for Pinterest - a $47 value from Kate Ahl
Elevate Your Brand Stock Photos Bundle - a $500 value from Jasmine of She Bold Stock
Trello Biz Board Action Pack - a $47 value from Kate Doster
Sales Page Design for Coaches & Course Creators - a $149 value from Rita Ester
Editable Blog Post Templates to Make Blog Writing Easier and Faster - a $47 value from Arfa Nazeer
Client-Getting ManyChat Messenger Template - a $150 value from Jenna Dancy
How to Write Pitches that Podcasters Want to Read - a $60 value from Christina Bizzell
Money Making Templates - a $99 value from Caroline Vencil
Profitable Podcast Workflow - a $47 value from Jenny Suneson
FB Ads Made Simple - a $37 value from Naima Sheikh
The Get Paid to Create Training - a $99 value from Lise Cartwright
1 Month TikTok content calendar - a $100 value from Jessica Furniss
Niche Site Seller's Intro Kit - a $197 value from Chelsea Clarke
Notion for Digital Entrepreneurs - a $47 from Dani Schnakenberg
The Content Cure (For Social Media) - a $79 from Knap Creative
Content Upcycle Method - a $47 value From Kymberly Smith
Affiliate Promo Packet Canva Template - a $17 value from Kelly Morrison
How to Get Your First Coaching Clients - a $497 value from Alison Reeves
Summit In A Box Starter Kit - a $397 value from Krista Miller
Head over to the Back To Business Bundle Now.
Other links mentioned: [FREE] OMGrowth Live October 5-7, 2021 grab your free ticket here. (affiliate link)

Wednesday Sep 29, 2021
Wednesday Sep 29, 2021
The emails featured in this "What to send your email list" are from mySubscribers To Raving Fans: 30 Newsletter Templates which you can get completely for FREE from the Back To Business Free Bundle going on Oct. 4, 2021 - Oct. 12, 2021.
>>> Click here to join the waitlist for the Back To Business Free Bundle. Links mentioned:The Cookie Method Masterclass: Start to send emails so good they lick the screen.
Free number picker wheel - interview/blog post with Nick Anderson of

Wednesday Sep 22, 2021
Wednesday Sep 22, 2021
Let’s Talk About Black Friday because it is coming up quick!In this weeks episode of inbox besties we are going to be talking about the three things you need to start doing right now in order to have one of the most profitable and easy Black Friday promotion so you can have. Because the truth is retailers have been planning this since probably last December and definitely smell e-commerce business since the summer.
Links & Resources Mentioned:
The Black Friday SOS KIT which includes:
14 email templates (mix of value + sales emails - perfect if you haven't emailed your list in a while)
10 social media graphics
The Black Friday SOS KIT Trello Board
⌨️ 5 social media caption swipe files + 20 Social Media Prompts
Easy Yes Offer Sales Page Formula + Template
Bonus video training – How to Create a Black Friday Offer in a Flash that Stands Out (without just discounting)
Bonus tech training - ⏰How to add timers to your emails & sales pages
Click here to make running your Black Friday promotion wicked easy.
Get 2 years worth of strategically planned newsletter ideas right here so your subscribers will actually start hunting you do for your Black Friday Offers.
[Free Training] How to write emails so good they lick the screen. Tap here to watch now.
Get your free 30 trial of the Creator Level of Convertkit now.
Let’s chat
Tag me in your IG stories @kate_doster or send me DM.

Friday Sep 17, 2021
Friday Sep 17, 2021
Let's have a bestie chat and talk about the Big 3 Summit that I ran in July. Links mentioned:The Cookie Method Training - take this free class now. Your subscribers (and piggy bank will thank you)
Grab your free month of the paid Convertkit Plan here.

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