Do The Brave Thing™ Online Business Podcast with Kate Doster
Welcome to the Do The Brave Thing™ Online Business Podcast hosted by Kate Doster. Where every week you’ll practical advice, motivation and big thinking energy to help you sell more, lead better and help a crap ton of people without letting those negative voices in your head getting in the way. Author: Kate Doster

Wednesday Sep 14, 2022
Wednesday Sep 14, 2022
Let’s talk about how to get more of your blog readers to subscribe your email list.
We discuss:
When it’s okay to not focus on getting new email subscribers
How many times in a blog post you should have an opt-in form
The worst freebies you can have
Never put this word on your opt-in button
How 2 simple hyper-links can boost your subscriber rate like whoa
The WORST and best type of blog posts to write to grow your email list
Should you use a popup or not
And more.
🎈Did you get your ticket to the free Black Friday Prep Bonanza action incubator yet?🎉
Resources mentioned:Thinking of getting ThriveCart for your payment process & course platform? I’d be honored if you purchased through my referral link. Here.
Mike from Stupid Simple SEO free masterclass.
📝Get 2 years worth of email ideas here
📺 Have you taken my free lead magnet course yet? Freebies That Serve & Sell - Watch lesson 1 right now.
Love Your List is opening the end of September. Season 6 is fueled by you:Get your questions answered on the podcast bestie.
If you’d like to use the Anonymous link you can include your name or ig handle if you want a shout out.
Rather leave me a voice memo or just send a normal message? Click here to go to *Some links in these notes might be affiliate links meaning I may receive a some type of compensation if you choose to invest after clicking on them.

Wednesday Sep 07, 2022
Wednesday Sep 07, 2022
I'd love to do more Q & A style episodes or riff on topics YOU actually want to hear about next season (which is coming back next week.)
So click here to send me an anonymous question, concern or struggle you're having (or just something you want to know about me, my life & my business. Think:
I know I should _________ but ________
I'd really like to know your favorite___________
My audience ________________.
What do you use for ______________?
I want to ___________ but I'm afraid_______
Even over or underrated
Even if you use the Anonymous link you can include your name or ig handle if you want a shout out. Rather leave me a voice memo or just send a normal message? Click here to go to
I can't wait to be back in your earholes next week.

Saturday Aug 13, 2022
Saturday Aug 13, 2022
Welcome to a very special bonu-isode of Inbox Besties while we’re in-between season. (Be sure to follow my IG stories for weekly q & as and more @Kate_doster so we can stay connected in-between seasons.)Today we are actually doing our first podcast takeover -where I’m feature another online business entrepreneur’s podcast directly on this stream. Think of it like an interview -but way better. To kick off this podcast takeover experiment we have none other than my own online business mentor Amy Landino of the Detail Therapy podcast. In this episode Amy is actually going to cover how the handle the time suck that your inbox and her secret weapon for setting expectations not only with herself but with the people who email her, so they're not mad if she takes her a little while to respond. (If at all!)For the complete show notes on this episode of Detail therapy click here. Bio:Amy is also the Director & Founder of GATLUW House. A bestselling author and the award-winning host of AmyTV, and is the World’s #1 Productive Lifestyle & Success Coach.Get more Amy in your life:Podcast - Here click to subscribe to Amy’s amazing podcast Detail Therapy on Apple Podcast or Spotify
Youtube Channel - Amy TV (seriously it’s my favorite business YouTube channel ever.)Website - GATLUW House.
Follow her on Instagram:

Friday Jul 29, 2022
Friday Jul 29, 2022
Hey yall. Let's talk about what to send in August 2022. Resources Mentioned in the Show:
Let me know the topics you'd like us to cover. Hit me up on Instagram - @kate_doster
Liz Wilcox's Email Marketing Membership only $9 per month
The Email Marketing Fairy (a one time payment of $36)
My shownotes do contain affiliate links.

Thursday Jul 21, 2022
Thursday Jul 21, 2022
Let's chat about what you can drop the ball on in your business when things are crazy.
What's most important is to reminder this phrase. It shouldn't last forever. Let's be Insta besties - @kate_doster
Resources mentioned
The Email Marketing Fairy
How to send email so good people lick the screen free masterclass.

Thursday Jun 30, 2022
Thursday Jun 30, 2022
Resources mentioned:Loom - for quick video replies
Free Advanced Training:
If you want to write email so good they lick the screen be sure to get your free limited time access to my wildly popular training - How to write emails so good they lick the screen. - planner:Need even more ideas for what to send your list?Grab my 2 years worth of free email ideas at
Did you like the show?
Would you consider hitting 5 stars wherever you're listening to this. It would help me out ALOT. And you don't even have to write a review.
Other links you might find useful:
🎶 [Free audio book] Rather listen then read? Get the audio version of one of these books for FREE when with your brand new subscription to Plus help support the show 🎶
Amazon Shop - If you were thinking about buying anything from Amazon today and you'd like to support the show just click here Then search for whatever you really wanted, the normal way you would. You don't have to get anything from my store. Just entering Amazon through my link will help me out. The Email Marketing Fairy - 60+ Email Templates covering everything from funnels, to welcome series, weekly newsletters and more.
Let's connect:Want to be Instagram buddies? Follow me at @kate_doster now.
Checkout the site: or some of my other products you've read this far, why not leave a rating & ranking on itunes or spotify.

Wednesday Jun 22, 2022
Wednesday Jun 22, 2022
This week’s episode of Inbox Bestie is actually a listener’s question submitted through a Q&A on my Instagram Stories.
Tips for being an how to I held being a business owner and entrepreneur with ADHD
1. Use to write out/outline all your free & paid content - you can easy reorder things
2. Write THEN reorder your to-do list.
Start with the quickest and fast thing. Breakdown big things to smaller parts underneath it. Like:
Write Sales Page
I use the regular Notes App (on my Ipad & Apple Pencil) and use the lasso feature to reorder but you could write ____ instead of number when writing out your list then ASSIGN it a number after.
3. Have people days is the best tip I have (Nothing is worst for productivity then having 1pm or 2pm appointments)*
4. Try Mini-Batching (Can you film just 2 reels, write 2 emails, come up with just two blog post ideas?)
5. Host/Go to co-working sessions (it’s body doubling)
6. Set timers (but not ones with seconds - I use this free chrome extension)
7. Hirer a finisher - This can be a ONE OFF hire on like upwork or Fivver so you don’t have to worry about the full hiring and interview process or see if service provider you like offers VIP days.
Bonus: Find a simple project management tool (I’d avoid Clickup)
Bonus Bonus Tip (Not in a show) - Sometimes you just need to hire a coach to keep you in line.
Did you like the show?
Would you consider hitting 5 stars wherever you're listening to this. It would help me out ALOT. And you don't even have to write a review.
Other links you might find useful:
Amazon Shop - If you were thinking about buying anything from Amazon today and you'd like to support the show just click here Then search for whatever you really wanted, the normal way you would. You don't have to get anything from my store. Just entering Amazon through my link will help me out. The Email Marketing Fairy - 60+ Email Templates covering everything from funnels, to welcome series, weekly newsletters and more.
Free Email Marketing Training: Become a listie this summer - head over to to watch the free How to Write Emails So Good They Lick The Screen training now. and spend the summer with Kate.
Are we friends on Instagram yet? @kate_doster2 Years Worth Of Planned Out Email Ideas -
Need help with something else? Take quick look at my shop. or my

Wednesday Jun 08, 2022
Wednesday Jun 08, 2022
Have you been feeling meh in your business lately?Maybe you're overworked. Maybe you've been stuck on the content creation hamster wheel for so long yet it feels like no one is paying attention
Maybe you just can't even right now. This week we are going over 13 random things you can try to beat burnout & crush any creative content ruts you're in. ____
Special Message - I need your help!
I set a goal for myself to reach 200 ratings on Apple Podcast and 100 on Spotify by next quarter. If you got anything out of this episode - could tap the STAR rating on either Apple Podcast or Spotify - no need to write a review - just tap the 5,4, or I guess 1 star to rate the show.
Links and resources mentioned in the show:That book from Pam from the office is called The Actor's Life: A Survival Guide Paperback by Jenna Fischer
The Year Of Yes by Shonda Rhimes
Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear Paperback by Elizabeth Gilbert 🎶 [Free audio book] Rather listen then read? Get the audio version of one of these books for FREE when with your brand new subscription to Plus help support the show 🎶Free Email Marketing Training: Become a listie this summer - head over to to watch the free How to Write Emails So Good They Lick The Screen training now. and spend the summer with Kate.

Wednesday Jun 01, 2022
Wednesday Jun 01, 2022
Let's talk about what to send your email list in June 2022. Links mentioned:Instagram - @kate_doster (I will really appreciate a follow.) Free training: How to write emails so good they lick they screen. Watch now.

Wednesday May 11, 2022
Wednesday May 11, 2022
We're chatting with our first ever 3-peat guest Faith Mariah.
We talk about soooo much in this episode like:
The worst pricing advance you can follow
What to do when you want to raise your prices but your audience might not want to pay them
When to undercharge
How to get confidence in charging more
What to do if no one charges high prices in your industry
Why feeling bad, embarrassed or ashamed isn't bad thing and how to move on quickly.
What's an "good" conversion rate
Why thinking your audience won't pay more is actually a shitty thing to think about them
And so much more.
Hang out with Faith online:Faith's amazing free Facebook Group
Faith's Instagram account.
Faith's website
Faith's Podcast - Blogging Breakthrough
Resources mentioned:
Mike's Stupid Simple SEO - Watch his free class here.
Amanda Frances' Free Money Resource Bundle with 14 free trainings - *you will also be signed up for the waitlist of Money Mentality Makeover too but you won't need to buy*
My weight lifting manifestation reel

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